From Alexandria to the Pyramids
After leaving the Suez-Chanel, we were meant to stop in Port Said, but due to the unsafe conditions there, we changed our port of call and went to Alexandria. From there, we organized a crew-tour to the Pyramids in Gizeh! Our little private Bus took us almost 2 hours from Alexandria to Gizeh, which was…
After leaving Aqaba, we went from one gulf into another around the corner of the Sinai peninsula, up to Suez! We arrived there in the night and we had to wait for our convoy to gather, because the suez-canal is a one-way canal. And we were happy to get the convoy during daylight 🙂 So…
A short visit to Safaga, Egypt
On our route through the red sea towards the Mediterranean sea, we made a quick stop in Safaga, a really little town in Egypt. There is not much to say, and there was not much to see, touristically. But, it was the most dirty town I have ever visited. It felt like we were landed…
Ich schau dir in die Augen, Kleines!
so, die lieben filmfreunde, quizfrage: wo befinde ich mich? naha? no idea? naja gut, ich verrats euch, aber nur ausnahmsweise! der heutige landgang verschlug mich nach Casablanca! das letzte mal, als ich im hafen von casablanca lag, stank es nach fisch und war total versägemehlt. das war dieses mal zum glück nicht so, ebenso hatte…
Now this is africa!
so endlich dann jetze mal habe ich einen weiteren kontinent dieser erde erobert. die letzten zwei male hat es ja nicht geklappt, muss ja hin und wieder auch noch was arbeiten hier… leider… anyway, diesmal ging es und es zog mich natürlich direkt an den strand, welcher sich als 6km lange bucht gestaltete. super eigentlich.…